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Established Spring 2002 to "...oversee the implementation and assessment of the University academic program assessment plan." To carry out the charge of the University Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Committee (USLOAC), the Director of Assessment or designee represents Student Learning Outcomes Assessment matters as a voting member on the University Curriculum Committee and the University Program Review Panel. Additionally, the Director or designee serves as consultant as requested by other Committees, deans, faculty, and staff.
Representatives from USLOAC are engaged in campus-wide student learning outcomes assessment related activities such as University Curriculum Committee, Program Review Panel, General Education evaluation, in addition to serving on the USLOAC.
USLOAC has five elected Members plus the chair. Details of constitution of USLOAC are described in AA 2024-02. USLOAC regular meetings are held the first and third Wednesday of the month from 1:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. at WH D-442 or virtually through Zoom.
Please contact Kimberly Campos at (310) 243-3307 or email for additional meeting information.
Ex officio (non-voting) Members
Academic Senate Resolution EPC 24-02: Resolution on the Charge for the University Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Committee